Pre-application discussions are widely recognised as being of significant benefit to the overall development process and we find that they significantly reduce the potential for refusal or delay when submitting formal planning applications.
The process allows planning professionals and the Local Authority to identify any potential planning issues and requirements at the earliest possible stage and in advance of any formal application. Whilst it is a process not subject to formal neighbour notification, in addition to the planning officer, other stakeholders such as the highways authority, the Environment Agency, the conservation officer and tree officer are likely to be consulted and this should help the process to run more smoothly.
Engagement early in the process offers greater certainty for applicants and developers about the likely outcome from the planning process and at the same time can also help improve the quality of design, identify any potential additional reports or requirements, encourage greater public consultation, and enable the Local Authority to receive a formal application they have had early involvement with and have helped to shape the submission with the applicant and their agent.
Over 25 years of experience with Local Planning Authorities and private practice
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